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Dans nos blogs
le 27/01/2008

Les nouvelles vulnérabilités

Risques de sécurité sur tous les systèmes d'exploitation (Mac et Linux compris) !!! ...

le 27/01/2008

L'école virtuelle sur la sécurité PC et Internet à l'honneur

Le portail renommé "OuSurfer" qui s'est fixé comme tâche de cataloguiser et d'évaluer les...

le 08/07/2007

Le module 'Parcours' a été ajouté

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le 23/06/2007

Travaux pratiques

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Problèmes avec les bases de données

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le 30/05/2007

Création de l'école virtuelle sur la Sécurité PC et Internet

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la création de l'école virtuelle sur la sécurité PC et...

le 05/02/2007

Projet finalisé

Nous y sommes quand même arrivé à le finaliser pour le blogathon ! Aujourd’hui, le 05 février...

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Projet virtuel pour le monde réel

Une question anodine a été posée au forum "Que dire à un technicien...?" pour ne pas se faire...

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Échange de connaissances avec le Québec (CA)

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eXTReMe Tracker

New Mobile Phone Attacks Demonstrated by Luxembourg Researcher

A researcher of the University of Luxembourg has demonstrated a new class of attacks against mobile phones at the DeepSec security conference in Vienna. Using a base transceiver station (available for 1,000 euros), Ralf-Philipp Weinmann of the Laboratory for Algorithmics, Cryptology & Computer Security at the University of Luxembourg, showed how common programming errors in the communication stack of mobile phones can be exploited to gain control over the devices.

New Mobile Phone Attacks Demonstrated by Luxembourg Researcher

Ralf-Philipp Weinmann found devastating flaws in a large percentage of cellular communication stacks. According to him, sufficiently motivated attackers are able to perform these attacks, which are almost undetectable. They allow to take over control of mobile phones in the range of the rogue transceiver, which may mean hundreds of phones at a time, in crowded urban areas. Attackers hence are able to cause billing problems by either dialling premium numbers or sending text messages to premium services, or monitor all communications of the cellphone user.

Moreover, even eavesdropping on the surroundings of the cellphone is possible by making the cell phone pick up incoming calls automatically - without the user noticing. The attacking transceiver needs to be online for just a couple of seconds to perform the attack.

The University of Luxembourg, an international university focusing on research areas like Security in Information Technology, is working together with a number of vendors for both cellular communication chips and mobile phones. The objective is to fix the security flaws found and to prevent similar flaws from happening in the future. While programming bugs are inevitable, serious code security audit and exploit mitigations by the major baseband chip vendors help to reduce this class of security problem.

Source information:

Samedi 11 Décembre 2010
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