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Court Strikes Down Pennsylvania Online Child Porn Law

By Ed Raymond
NewsFactor Network
September 10, 2004 7:13PM

A federal court judge has ruled that a Pennsylvania law forcing Internet service providers to bloack access to child pornography sites violates the First Amendment. She added that there is little evidence that the law was successful in reducing child pornography.

Copyright by Gust MEES (LU)
Copyright by Gust MEES (LU)
A federal court judge on Friday struck down a Pennsylvania law that would force Internet service providers to block access to child pornography sites.

Judge Jan Dubois of the U.S. District Court found that the law was unconsitutional because the technology used to block the sites would also prevent users from accessing sites that had nothing to do with child pornography.

"With the current state of technology, the act cannot be implemented without excessive blocking of innocent speech in violation of the First Amendment," the judge wrote.

The U.S. Supreme Court, was well as lower courts, repeatedly have ruled against laws that attempted to curb online pornography, maintaining that such laws were in violation of constitutional free-speech protections.

Judge DuBois said the law not only was constitutionally questionable, but also ineffective.

"There is little evidence that the Act has reduced the production of child pornography or the child sexual abuse associated with its creation," DuBois wrote. "On the other hand, there is an abundance of evidence that implementation of the Act has resulted in massive suppression of speech protected by the First Amendment."

Source: Newsfactor

Dimanche 12 Septembre 2004
Lu 1558 fois

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